Protecting Your Children’s Interests in Divorce

While some aspects of family law have remained relatively stable for decades, others have undergone profound change. One of the biggest changes is a broadening definition of family that encompasses more than just the traditional model (married heterosexual couples with children born during the marriage).
Same-sex marriage, domestic partnerships, unmarried cohabitation, remarriage, surrogacy and other changes have led to more inclusive definitions of family, but our laws have not always kept pace with these important changes — especially those pertaining to children and parents.
I’m attorney Linda D. States, and I understand that for most clients, nothing is more important than the well-being of their children. My practice is dedicated to strong legal advocacy for families and I strive for resolutions that preserve the relationships between parents and their kids.
Child-Related Legal Services
My firm offers advice and representation related to nearly all child law issues, including:
- Child custody and parenting time
- Paternity
- Child support
- Modifications of custody orders
- Modifications of child support orders
- Assistance in parental relocation cases (move-away cases)
The Basics Of Paternity Cases
When a child is born to married parents, the husband is presumed to be the baby’s father. In the event of divorce, child custody and child support matters would begin with that same presumption.
In cases where a child was born to unmarried parents, paternity is not presumed. To establish paternity, it is necessary for both parents to either sign a voluntary declaration of paternity or for either parent to file a court case under the Uniform Parentage Act.
Establishing paternity is not simply taking a DNA test (although that is sometimes part of it). Rather, it is the process that officially establishes a legally recognized relationship between a father and his child — along with the rights and responsibilities that come with parenthood. It is usually a necessary precursor for men seeking custody and visitation rights and for women seeking child support.
If you need help as a parent on either side of a paternity issue, States Family Law is ready to represent you and guide you through the process.
Contact Us Today To Discuss Your Case With An Experienced Lawyer
My firm is located in Sacramento and serves clients throughout the area. To schedule an appointment, please fill this online contact form or call me at 916-696-2425.